
Let’s ensure everyone in your household is getting restorative sleep.

What is ‘Sleep Consulting’ and why do I need it?


Sleep Consulting is a great way to help get your whole family the sleep everyone needs to be a healthy, happy and a fully functioning human! Getting quality, fully restorative sleep is just as important as eating healthy and moving your body everyday! Your body relies on this restorative and quality sleep and helps you to be able to get through your day- to play, learn, grow, eat, and have a happy and productive day!

Getting your child on a consistent and reliable schedule, allows for the whole family to get a full night of restorative sleep. I provide education on important and scientific sleep habits, biological and developmental needs of sleep, safe sleep practice as well as guidance and support. We will make sure your child is sleeping within their circadian rhythm; an optimal biological sleep schedule based on their age; this allows for children to fall asleep faster and easier, as well as stay asleep for longer. We will also discuss what a proper sleep environment means, a method that you are comfortable with, the ideal sleep schedule, and any other requirements or needs your family has. Together, with all of this in mind, we will work to find a plan and method that is unique and personalized to your family and individual needs.

I cannot wait to meet you and help guide your child an family as a whole to better sleep, night after night.

Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a plan and walk you through every step of the process.